“Hi, I am 20 years old and have only dated a few guys, not because I didn´t have the chance, but because I think most of the guys that approach me are boring. They all do the same things, use the same tactics, they become very predictable! Anyway, I have known a guy for like a year and a half now, we both belong to the same group of friends and we party a lot together. We always talked till sunrise about very interesting topics and we started to like each other. We started sleeping together about four months ago. So, as I said, I almost never accepted a guy, but this one.. this one is a real challenge! I believe everyone is like a puzzle, but this guy has way to many pieces. It drives me crazy that he behaves pretty much like an Alpha male and that it works! The worst part is that I know that he does this consciously. He knows how to attract me and how to behave so that I want him. He pretty much does what you advise guys to do. We are both in a kind of mental game and I hate that he is winning. I hate the power he has! I love the fact that I have finally met someone that is a challenge and is interesting and doesn´t seek my approval constantly and won´t kiss my ass. On the other hand, I hate not being able to turn it around. It is the first time that I really can´t predict nor understand what is going on. I would really like to know, what to do or how to turn this around. Not only because of my situation, but also because I have given this a lot of thought and I seriously have NO CLUE. Playing harder to get that he does won´t work, since he already placed himself in the position of “i can leave whenever i want to”. I don´t want him to chase me completely, that would put the flames out.. I would just like to be able to play like he does and challenge him too. I believe it should be a push and pull, and it should be interesting and challenging for both. I hope I haven´t been blinded by this “chase” and the answer really either isn´t there or it is difficult. Thank you for reading! Hope it wasn´t too long.”

Anna,hot-girl-perfect -eyes

Thank you for your question. I want to use a few things you said to demonstrate to my readers why the Alpha mindset and behavior patterns are the right frame with attractive women. After that, I will answer your question.

1) “this one is a real challenge”a man that challenges women demonstrates he has higher value than she does, which is a primary attractor.

2) “It drives me crazy that he behaves pretty much like an Alpha male and that it works! The worst part is that I know that he does this consciously.” – and probably one of the reasons you are reading my site trying to learn how to have power over the Alpha.

3) “I hate the power he has!” – Do you really? I rather think you relish it.

4) “I love the fact that I have finally met someone that is a challenge and is interesting and doesn´t seek my approval constantly and won´t kiss my ass.” – Men, this, coupled with a flirty nature is what all women crave. Age doesn’t matter, money doesn’t matter, height doesn’t matter, hair doesn’t matter – the only thing that matters is that she feels attraction and sexual tension.

5) “i can leave whenever i want to”Alpha Law #1 – the Rule of 10,000. Every day there are 10,000 girls turning 18, turning 19, turning 20. Having this mindset is one of abundance, and radiates a vibration of power that all women can feel. You can be “nice” and “polite” but if you have the mindset of “I can find another girl easily” you will always be in demand.

6) “I don´t want him to chase me completely, that would put the flames out..” – One of the more honest insights you have had. All of the attraction you have for him is because he is displaying the traits and character of a desirable Alpha man. This is the type of man ALL women are genetically programmed to want. It is not a logical choice, nature made you this way.

7) “it should be interesting and challenging for both.” Says who? Equal rights and girl power aside, nature did not build you to desire an equal man. You are built to want a man that is a challenge, that you can’t control, who can demonstrate his value. This is why you test him, and I believe the heart of your question. I believe you want to know how to modify your personality so that you gain more power in the relationship as the ultimate shit test of your young Alpha.

Guess what happens if you get it? If you finally get more power than your lover… that’s right, you will fall out of love with him. Your desire will go down. Sex will not be as hot, and the same actions that attracted you at one time will annoy you. Is that really what you want?

I have good news for you though!

You can’t have it. There is absolutely nothing you can do to gain power in this relationship. Nothing.

And you should be very happy with that. If you read your letter, the exact things you say you hate (the power over you) are what attracts you and why you feel so strongly about him. It is your nature to feel this, but tell me honestly… Would you rather feel those butterflies in your stomach and the tingles between your legs when he looks at you with the “I own you” look or would you rather be waiting for another man to make you feel these feelings?

You have an Alpha man that makes you feel attraction and sexual tension. In the realm of evolutionary biology, you win.

If you would like the fastest, easiest, and most technologically advanced program (one that uses some of the same teaching techniques that combat drone pilots use) to truly attract women, my Alpha Training program is SUCCESS-GUARANTEED.

You can check out the program here and start listening and reading it RISK-FREE right now.

6 Readers Commented

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  1. James on May 24, 2014

    It sounds like she is frustated with not being able to mentally joust with this fellow anymore. It also sounds like this is causing her to feel less involved and maybe bored from playing the same exact game as they always have. She wants to enter the arena again… Test her luck and let the chips fall where they may. In this case, if you are in fact getting tired of it… Why not? Cause some shit and see what happens.

  2. paula on October 25, 2014

    haha what a load of bollocks, this is great example of a “coca-cola relationship” the one full of mind games, jealousy,control,etc. On the other hand you have the “water relationship” (the one every man and woman yearn about) the one of total transparency and unconditional love. Fuck all these mind games, these are new times people! WAKE UP! NO TIME FOR LIES.

    • AlphaX Author on October 26, 2014

      Typical female… there are reasons why most television programming is full of shows that are nothing but “coca-cola relationship” the one full of mind games, jealousy,control,etc.” That is because it is what you desire… the drama, the out of control feelings, never really being able to dominate that one man that sparks your lustful side. Almost every woman would say “I am not like that and don’t want that” and yet, this is what you all respond to. Divorce court is full of men who believed what their woman said they want and gave it to them rather that giving them the unspoken desires that no girl likes to admit in public.

      Your welcome.

  3. latecia on May 12, 2015

    So because you were born to spread your sperms all over the earth, means ALL society IS and SHOULD be the same?
    In a long-term making babies with different women is contraproductive to society. What is better for baby, having single mother ,growing up without dad or baby rised up in a solid family?
    There is already enough single mothers rising up poor kid without his father-a future sociopath boy or damaged girl with unhealthy choice of men,. in this case a good alpha genes loosing their value -IN A LONG TERM because dad is missing.
    I know its your way of living but common, if we all started to use genitals over brain, we would be back in Stone Age.

    When these men will get old they will realise the point. Sad, lonely, instead of their ‘weak betas’ who lives happy lifes with their family.
    And yes, there is lot of single mothers and single no- kids women who regret wasting best years with alphas.

    • AlphaX Author on May 12, 2015

      You need to read more of the site. First, I didn’t discuss families or marriage on this article. While a child is better off with a mom and a dad living together, in our society, over 70+% of all divorces are filed by women – and this doesn’t count the women that just run off with the kid forcing the man to file to even see his child -> like I had to. I am a single dad, and I got custody when he was 1. Secondly, by teaching men to be an Alpha, they expand their options. They can find better, or higher quality women that are both beautiful and that would make good mothers – if that is what they want. The biggest problem with your comment is assuming all MEN want KIDS. They do not. My son was an “accident” of the ex not taking birth control. Shortly there after I got snipped. In today’s society being a dad and/or married is a horrible ideal. The laws are set against us. With that, I don’t teach morals. I do teach men to have as many options as possible by being Alpha. And a lot of these men are like me – more interested in enjoying the fruits of our labor enjoying the company of the women we choose for whatever time we choose to do so. Lastly, weak betas have the worst life of all. The old alpha is still going to pull hotter, more fun woman at 90. And those girls will likely be 40 years younger than him.

  4. Stephanie on January 21, 2018

    I just want to know how to get him to give it to me more. With him I’m insatiable. We are complete animals. And as an Alpha female, he’s the only one that can take control and tame me. Betas I walk all over. Boring. But I’m tired of waiting around for when he’s “ready.” Once a week is NOT ENOUGH! Give me an hour a day.. That’s all I need. Lol.. Forget “Coca Cola” I don’t need his love. I just need it as often as I can get it!

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