Dear AlphaX,

Recently I’ve gotten into a break-up. To summarize: I broke up with her, then went back and told her I’m still in love. (This was before I knew the Alpha Laws.) She of course rejected me, mercilessly, to say the least. And while I feel like I’ve gotten over that feeling of sadness that comes after being rejected, I still feel like it has hampered with my “sexual presence”. I don’t feel the same drive to seduce girls that I had before. This troubles me… very much. So that leads me to my questions:

1) Have you ever experienced the same decrease in sexual drive after a break-up? If so, what are your views on what causes this and how did you remedy it? That’s one down, two questions left…

I have a suspicion that it has to do with the narrative I’ve been fed with all my life. The narrative that tells you that relationships are all about ‘LOVE’. Love being defined as being selfless, compassionate, empathetic… and all other sorts of pro-social traits. And while I think there’s nothing inherently wrong with these traits, they did get me into a frame where I was pandering and supplicating to girls. Even if I started out attracting them displaying more anti-social (badboy) traits (dominance, playful arrogance, controlled aggression/masculinity), I’d see the attraction trickle down after being ‘vulnerable’ and ‘loving’.

Girls would turn 180° degrees, as if beautifully choreographed by a director, theming the dance with the name: ‘leave his weak ass’. And to be honest, this left me scarred, pondering, what did I do wrong? Is ‘LOVE’ even real? The only time I’ve seen ‘being loving’ work personally, was when I was already pre-selected. For instance, this ice-cold stunner would turn into a sweet, tender and loving kitten for me… Until, of course, all the other women pursuing me, stopped pursuing me because I turned all my attention to this one girl in the name of “LOVE”. And then she ended up doing that ‘leave his weak ass’ dance move, too. Ouch?

So, now… after some introspection, I think these countless rejections after I’ve made myself vulnerable, have made me afraid… Afraid of connection, afraid of self-expression, afraid of self-exposure. To sum it up: I feel stifled, and along with this stifled feeling I feel a decrease in sexual drive. So, okay, being very aware that I’m not coming from the most positive energy/frame (confidence) – I will attempt to angle these questions in the most positive and optimistic manner, I am capable of… This f*cking ‘LOVE’ thing, doesn’t seem to work. It’s not satisfying, it’s painful. And it’s not painful in that: ‘this aches, but I know this will make my muscles grow’.. kind of way. But more of a: ‘I am ingesting excessive amounts of poison into my body, because it feels good at first, but the pain will come later.’ kind of way.

So here are my questions: 2) What is the Alpha’s way in regard to this matter of ‘LOVE’? Is there a healthy way to engage in it, where you don’t just leave yourself scarred?

3) What would be even more awe-evoking to know is – is there a more satisfying alternative to ‘LOVE’ – one which is more grounded in reality and has less of a delusional nature? Thank you gratefully in advance,


Great questions. You are on the cusp of a big break through. Let’s walk through the questions one at a time.

1) Have you ever experienced the same decrease in sexual drive after a break-up? If so, what are your views on what causes this and how did you remedy it? That’s one down, two questions left…

Oh yes I have – to the point of crawling into a bottle and not leaving the house for a year. It was this experience though, that finally gave me the drive to learn everything I can about attracting and seducing females. This is where my understanding of Alpha and what it takes to be that type of masculine man started from.

My remedy started as anger. Anger for the hurt I felt (I was dumped). Anger that my ex was living with half-employed bartender with my kid while I paid for everything. This anger grew into the fuel I used to prove to myself I could get up again and build an even more satisfying life.

And that was a core issue. See, I had allowed “society” to dictate what I thought I should do and my feelings were based on what society thought I should be.

Solving this problem requires an internal belief change. You have to decide the lies you have been sold by society do not match up with real life or what you want. The nice guy only gets the girl in the movies.

With time and learning the true nature of people, your internal value will be on you. Your strengths, abilities, understanding, etc. When your internal value system is based on what you think of you and not what others think of you, you wont have many of these issues again.

Even if I started out attracting them displaying more anti-social (badboy) traits (dominance, playful arrogance, controlled aggression/masculinity), I’d see the attraction trickle down after being ‘vulnerable’ and ‘loving’.

When the true nature of sexual reproduction traits are seen without the rosy glasses of “what we wish” were true, we see many highlighted traits that are not considered positive in our society. We could write a book on this, but suffice it to say that Feminism and the Politically Correct narrative have sold vast amounts of the population the belief that a powerful, successful, strong woman (emulating positive male traits) and the sweet, loyal, vulnerable man (emulating positive female traits) are what attracts the opposite sex.

It sure does sound good – but it just isn’t true. So when we believe these lies, and later find out they were lies, they cause all kinds of problems in our psyche.

Is ‘LOVE’ even real?

Very much so – however men and women value different traits, experience the world differently, thus feel love differently. Men are more physical strong, logical with millions of sperm. These three concepts tend to dictate men feel love when women display feminine, softer and sexually loyal characteristics.

Women are typically physically weaker, emotional with one egg a month. These three concepts tend to dictate women feel love when men display masculine, aggressive and provider characteristics. And believe me on the aggressive – I have never met a girl that didn’t like her hair pulled a little, a slap on her ass or your hands around her neck during sex.

If you are displaying feminine characteristics in the hopes that she returns loving feeling to you, you will likely trigger her playing the masculine role – aggressive. And that won’t feel like love to you.

So yes, love is real. I love my girlfriend, my parents, my dog, my friends, and even my favorite gun. But the types of love I feel (and the role I play in the relationship) is somewhat dictated on the relationship I have with each person – or item.

Your description of pre-selection, and how this masculine trait works with women is exactly what my experience has been. This is why, as I learned sexual triggers in girls, I have always made it a point to remain a flirtatious, charismatic, bad boy with women – especially the girl I was serious with. The more girls that like me, the more my romantic girl will like me – and she will feel happy and pride in the fact she has what other women want, and can’t have.

This is not something most women would ever admit, and most media would say it is bullshit, however if you watch the actions of women, it is exactly how they respond.

At first as I learned this, it made me mad that the value a woman placed on me is in part the value she perceives others have of me. And we see this every day with women “falling in love” with pop stars and men they have never met – triggered in no small part because other women liked him.

As for the Afraid part. You must change your internal belief system. Embrace the true nature of both men an women. Once you do this, you can interact with both, giving them the energy they need and develop deeper relationships. Just understand, the energy you crave is given as a result of the energy you radiate. If you try to take the energy you want you will be “felt” as a social outcast.

This f*cking ‘LOVE’ thing, doesn’t seem to work. It’s not satisfying, it’s painful.

Not if you place value on yourself above all others and understand the energy you bring dictates what you get. The whole media story of falling in love and everything is great is just that – a story.

Men, even Alpha men, tend to finally attract a woman they want. They tend to get comfortable with her. They tend to want to play provider, so they do not “rock the boat” or call her on those little emotional bullshit trips all girls have. With time, they try to be nicer, and respect her more (as in not being seen as a sexually attractive man by other females).

This decreases her attraction and increases the conflict in the relationship.

This, in no small part, is why 70% of the divorces are filed by women. The men stopped displaying the attractive traits they had in the beginning.

That, and they believe that women have the same loyalty (logical) code men have. Warriors have always said you are fighting for the man by your side – but these types of inherent behavior are not as strong in women. So men get nicer and softer expecting a woman to stay forever because she said she would when in part, their own actions helped fuel the girls lower attraction.

And this is a generalization to make a point. Every human has different values with the loyalty code. I have met men that had none. And women that were perfectly loyal to their commitments.

2) What is the Alpha’s way in regard to this matter of ‘LOVE’? Is there a healthy way to engage in it, where you don’t just leave yourself scarred?

I tell everyone to stop trying to feel “loved” and be loving. But keep in mind a strong, masculine Alpha feels more loving to a female than a weak, nice “loving” male. The energy of you being loving is one where you constantly trigger emotional attraction and connection in her. This is the concept of what value you bring to her life.

3) What would be even more awe-evoking to know is – is there a more satisfying alternative to ‘LOVE’ – one which is more grounded in reality and has less of a delusional nature?

I don’t think so, but it’s all in your view of the world. I spend a lot of time alone working on my business. I spend a large amount of alone time shooting my guns, or working out in the gym. These bring joy to me. But these traits are also masculine and tend to continue to build my Alpha energy, which radiates to my girlfriend, who in turn acts in a very feminine, sweet and sexual way. And that makes me feel love.

I do hope this helps.



Hi AlphaX,

This has definitely helped me. You’re right, displaying feminine traits and putting her in a masculine role, really doesn’t make me feel loved. You have notched me in the right direction. I’ll work on being more loving from the right frame, from now on.

As for my sexual drive, just this change in my perception makes me want to hunt some gazelles. 😉

Thank you for these insights.


Anytime and keep us posted.


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