So what does success look like? Think about what success looks like to you…what-success-looks-like

Did you picture a hot girl? Maybe 2 or 3 hot girls?

Maybe you pictured money, a large house, or a cool car.

Most men think of success in terms of tangible items. I got a date with the girl, I achieved a certain salary or I have a level of fame. In reality, these are “achievements” and they are only signs of success. These signs of success are the result of aligning 5 core elements.

Attitude – How you see yourself in the world

Behavior – Your interactions with the world

Technique – Strategies and tactics in the world

Conscious – The aware focus of your mind

Subconscious – The robotic autopilot function of your mind

Think of these elements as touching all of the other 4 and therefore when all of these elements are aligned you will be a success in anything you have set as a goal.

There have been a lot of popular books and systems that look to train men on Technique. Off the top of my head: DYD, The Game, Becoming and Alpha Male, A Man’s Guide to the Female Mind, Bang, Day Bang, etc. Nothing wrong with the books, but the focus is mostly on technique.

I can’t tell you how many guys have asked me “What do I say to her?” which is a “Give me a technique” question. My answer is always the same, ask her “Are you bisexual?” This is a pattern interrupt, that also demonstrates high value and displays a ton of confidence. I have never found any other three word combination that is so powerful.

With that, most men CAN’T say this. While this technique is incredibly powerful, it will not work for most men. They simply do not have the confidence (attitude and frame). Those that do have the balls to force themselves to say this typically do it with the wrong energy (behavior). They ask it looking for acceptance rather that looking to qualify the girl.attitude-behavior-technique-v

With that, I wanted to put together a quick guide to help you see where your success could be interrupted or improved upon.


Conscious is your objective or thinking mind. There is no memory and it can only focus on a single thought at any given moment. The Conscious has four primary functions.

  1. It identifies incoming information. This information received through any of your six senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or physical feeling. Your conscious mind is always observing and interpreting what is going on around you.
  2. The Conscious mind compares. Information you receive is compared to previous or historical information to gage for any threats or for problem solving.
  3. The conscious mind is your analysis. This is the logic aspect of the mind taking data to determine probable outcomes.
  4. The conscious mind is you deciding. With all available information you make a decision. Yes or no, go or stop.


Subconscious mind is a huge memory data base. Since the conscious can only focus on a single bit of information at a time, the subconscious is the store house of every memory, lesson, and prior experience you have ever had. By the time you are 18, you have permanently stored more information in your subconscious than all of the books in a typical library.

Your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys. The problem comes when we have told the subconscious one set of programming (i.e. girls don’t like me) for years and then we want another set of programming (i.e. I am the man women love) to become dominant. All your habits of thinking and acting are programmed in your subconscious mind. It has memorized all your comfort zones and it works to keep you in them. A single impulse of the conscious (have confidence) will not typically override years of subconscious programming (stay safe).


Attitude is defined by the Webster Dictionary as a “state of mind or feeling with regard to some matter”. Since attitudes change in different situations let’s add “at any given time” to that definition.

Some of the “matters” about which you have a state of mind and feelings that impact your Alpha persona are:


your surroundings

your level of physical protection

your perceived value

Your state of mind about yourself, abilities and surroundings can be one of positive energy (confidence) – I can do this – which leads to a outlook of possibility and new rewards. It can also be one of negative energy (fear) – I can’t do this – which tends to look for safe comfort zones with few new

Your attitude is your “self value” and your belief in your abilities (behavior and technique).


Behavior is defined by the Webster Dictionary as, “The actions or reactions of persons under specified circumstances.”

The circumstances are your goals coupled with your surroundings. Typically, you want to consciously set the circumstances – choose your goals and surroundings, but typically the subconscious sets the goals based on its previous programming. This is why the seduction community uses rules like “The 3 second rule” to focus the subconscious on a desired set of behaviors. In this case, if you have eye contact with a girl for 3 seconds you approach.

In the military, special forces, martial arts, etc. you will practice the same move and training (technique) over and over and over. This is to train the subconscious what to do on automatic pilot. In my section “Subliminal Learning – Building Alpha Through the Subconscious” we discuss actual military training that is utilizing both physical and subliminal training to rapidly change or modify subconscious behavior and increase skills.


Technique is defined by Webster’s as “a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skill”. Your technique defines your strategies and tactics.

Strategies are the plans you use to achieve your goals. In the case of social interaction it may be to challenge the girl and either qualify her or disqualify her while amplifying her attraction. It is the process of moving the social interaction along a path to a desired outcome.

Tactics are the actual actions – the words you use, the body language you display and the voice tone you project are all of your tactics. Delivering a neg coupled with a pattern interrupt while leaning back, smirking and projecting a slow deep tone is one way of using tactics to increase sexual tension.

Mastering techniques involves a lot more than just memorizing a line or seduction pattern. For one thing, you are not alone in this social interaction and you must constantly be calibrating the female and her attitude in the process. Also, women will not always follow the exact same pattern so you must be able to move on the fly. This is the primary reason I don’t think there is a difference between day game and night game. The strategies and tactics can be the exact same. And as we increase our technique and ability we will subconsciously flow without having to think of tactics or strategies – it just becomes normal behavior.

The Keys To Success

Getting each of these areas to converge on a regular basis is where Alpha and success lie. Reaching the highest level of success is largely a function of getting Attitude, Behavior and Technique aligned and the only way to do that is consciously learn the correct components for each and then program the subconscious mind to believe and deliver these elements in a natural way.

Just learning a new opening approach or line (technique) won’t ensure more dates or sex unless you have a plan for implementing this approach or line (behavior) coupled with the belief (attitude) that she will respond positively.

The conscious and subconscious must be aligned for each of these elements, and these elements (Attitude, Behavior & Technique) must be aligned to have success. I 100% know this to be true.

So what are the results if any of them are missing in our lives? What impacts can they have on our social interactions? Our work? Our school? Even our relationships?

Attitude: Subconscious Conscious = You will not recognize opportunities; feeling of doubt or fear

Attitude: Conscious Subconscious = You will not believe you can do it; feeling of failure

Attitude: Conscious + Subconscious = I am the prize: feeling of confidence

Behavior: Subconscious Conscious = You will not calibrate social interactions very well; feeling of shyness or incompetence

Behavior: Conscious Subconscious = You will be flaked on or shut down due to the energy of your subtext communication; feelings of “Am I not good enough”

Behavior: Conscious + Subconscious = Powerful body language and masculine energy: positive interaction feelings

Technique: Subconscious Conscious = You do not even see the technique or social dynamics at work; likely feel disbelief or NAWALT (Not All Women Are Like That)

Technique: Conscious Subconscious = Your timing will be off giving a weird feeling to the energy; likely feel awkward

Technique: Conscious + Subconscious = Routines and lines melt away to just naturally flow; feelings of power

So assuming we have our Subconscious and Conscious mind in alignment with each of these elements, we still have to combine our Attitude, Beliefs and Technique.

Attitude + Behavior Technique = High level of interactions but high probability of flakes or LJBF’s; will likely feel discouraged

Attitude + Technique Behavior = Low level of interactions; feel like you attract girls you aren’t attracted to and never the ones you want

Technique + Behavior Attitude = Some level of interactions and female friends; likely to have many first dates with a low amount of second dates or sex

Attitude + Behavior + Technique = Alpha, you will have whatever your goal is; feelings of success

If you aren’t having the success you want, then identify the areas you are lacking and fix that element. Just understanding these 5 elements is relatively easy, but it takes a lifetime to master and control all of them in all areas of your life. As your subconscious and conscious align for each element, you will naturally start achieving more success.

As all 5 elements align you become the “natural”. That is when it just clicks and you will no longer need rules or fixed routines. Your personality will be one of masculinity and charm and you can have anything that you want.

If you would like the fastest, easiest, and most technologically advanced program (one that uses some of the same teaching techniques that combat drone pilots use) to truly attract women, my Alpha Training program is SUCCESS-GUARANTEED.

You can check out the program here and start listening and reading it RISK-FREE right now.

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